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How to Stimulate Your Pet’s Appetite?

Many factors can go into your pet experiencing a decreased interest in food or a loss of appetite. Each reason for this loss of appetite can also come with its own myriad of effects on your pet. In today's blog, we will explore the different reasons your pet may be less interested in eating as well as targeted and varied solutions for them.

Appetite VS Hunger

Appetite is intrinsically linked to hunger, but both are separate elements. Appetite refers to the willingness and eagerness to eat. While appetite is under the control of neurotransmitters in the brain as hunger is, it also considers other elements. This means appetite takes in mood, comfort levels, and environmental factors.

Understanding the factors that influence appetite rather than hunger can allow you to help your pet with the most efficiency possible!

Adjust the Feeding Area

The space in which your pet has their meals can have a significant impact on their eating habits. If they don't already, be sure to create a space that is just theirs!

Make sure they can eat alone without any other pets around. You also want to ensure they have somewhere they eat consistently and with familiar bowls and feeding mats. These steps will ensure they associate the space with eating and can help encourage them to eat more, more regularly!

Cut Back on Treats

If your pet seems to be uninterested in their food but is otherwise still more than happy to eat treats, it may be time to cut back until they return to their normal food!

Some owners try to give their pets treats when they see a decrease in appetite but this can backfire if repeated. It has been shown that some pets, dogs especially, can actually learn to hold back on their food in anticipation of getting more treats!

CBD for Appetite

CBD can be used to stimulate appetite because of its ability to counteract negative factors that may result in a loss of appetite. Below, we discuss the different ways in which CBD's therapeutic benefits can assist in stimulating your pet's appetite.

Alleviating Nausea

CBD is known to alleviate nausea and vomiting. Because nausea can make a pet not want to eat, CBD’s ability to reduce or eliminate it can get them back to eating!


CBD may increase dopamine production by acting on the GABA and 5-HTA receptors. Higher levels of dopamine are associated with greater pleasure from eating, giving your pet the desire to eat!


CBD can help balance mood by reducing anxiety. Mood and appetite are linked as they both act on the serotonin receptors. This means an anxious pet may have appetite loss. By balancing out anxiety, CBD can help restore a healthy appetite!

Digestive Health

CBD can also help stimulate your pet’s appetite by improving their general digestive health and relieving digestive discomfort.

CBD is known to help with the release of stomach acid as well as minimize bloating and indigestion. These benefits will help your pet feel comfortable and ready to eat as normal!

CBD also aids in digestive health by absorbing vitamins and minerals as well as important dietary elements such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to keep the stomach operating at its very best!


CBD relieves pain which can help encourage pets to eat. Just like humans, a pet in a great deal of discomfort from pain is unlikely to feel motivated to eat or may be distracted enough not to. When you relieve this pain you may open the door to your pet feeling encouraged to eat!


Full-spectrum products like Suzie’s contain all the cannabinoids that were present in the source, the hemp plant. Because of this, when your pet gets full spectrum CBD they also get the benefits of other cannabinoids!

One such cannabinoid is CBG. Studies from sources like the University of Reading and the University of California have found that CBG is a great source of safe and regulated appetite stimulation.

Because of this, when you use a full spectrum product your pet may also benefit from the appetite stimulation provided by the cannabinoid CBG!

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